Our Mentoring service partners one of our most experienced M&A leaders with you to support you through the M&A process and transfer knowledge.
Client Challenges
- Lack of experience of the Integration Manager or of the Acquirer
- High level of complexity (interdependencies, number of stakeholders, relative size, geographical dispersion)
- Lack of resources – stretch planning
- Major cultural gaps – need for a certain neutrality
Key Benefits
- Leverage of considerable experience covering all types of situations (listed or not, friendly or not, asset-based or not, vertical vs horizontal integration)
- High leverage of internal resources
- Limited external costs
- Neutrality in the thought process
- Mitigation of risks
- Improved communication
Lessons Learned
- Integration Manager need to understand and accept the mentoring process
- Sufficient time to allow for a detailed understanding of issues
- Strong empathy and best-in-class expertise on the mentor side
- Pragmatic approach – few slides and documents
- Focus on actions and decisions
What We Do
- Team design based on needs from one part-time Partner up to a panel of senior advisors
- Meetings on-demand
- No direct contact with integration work streams – limited interference
- Working with other consultancies
- Intervention anytime during the M&A process (ideally around signing)