Annual m&a dealmaker survey

About the survey:

The Corporate Dealmaker’s Annual Survey on M&A Integration and Carve-out Success is driven by a desire to capture existing practices in industry and related results, and to develop new ideas, methods and tools that increase the success of acquisitions and carve-outs.

Survey results will benefit both dealmakers and practitioners in understanding factors contributing to M&A Integration or Carve-out implementation success.

Who should take this survey?

C-level executives, senior M&A professionals and private equity dealmakers involved in M&A deals, transactions, carve-outs and M&A integrations.

What will survey takers get?

Survey takers will get a report with insights from and analysis of the survey results ahead of a wider release.

Survey goals:

Understand trends in integration and carve-out areas of M&A

Understand what successful acquirers do pre-deal that benefits post-deal implementation

Develop take-aways for real world application

Take the Survey

Complete the survey and receive the report ahead of others.

What our clients are saying:

We’re looking foward to the results to enhance our integration strategy.

Having access to real world strategies and best practices helps improve our own methodology.

Thanks to GPMIP for creating a thorough survey to further the understand best practices to navigate M&A deals.