Overcoming Cultural Differences in Cross Border M&A 1


Overcoming Cultural Differences in Cross Border Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)

About this webinar:

Cultural challenges are a hidden danger that can quickly destroy value in any Merger or Acquisition. This webinar will highlight how to recognize, assess and quantify cultural challenges, and provide techniques and mechanisms for early resolution.

Who should attend:

C Level Executives (CEO,CFO), People & Culture Executives, In House Counsel, Legal Practitioners, Equity Partners, Corporate Board Members

What you’ll learn:

Understand how and why cultural issues raise their head in M&A transactions, recognize the key signals that indicate cultural challenges in your organization and hear from experts on mechanisms and strategies for early resolution of cultural challenge.

Cultural differences can completely destroy the value in a Merger or Acquisition

Culture assessment MUST be high on the priority list during Pre-Deal Due Diligence

Culture MUST be addressed from Day 1 and must be a key factor in your post deal communication strategy

What clients are saying about culture challenges

“Cultural challenges turned out to be a major factor in our recent acquisition and caused significant loss of value in the first 100 days post-deal.”

“In our cross-border deals, we always make sure a detailed culture assessment is done as part of early Due Diligence.”

“In a recent deal, we confidently thought we had similar cultures. That was generally correct except that unrecognized cultural differences between sales teams ended up creating some major issues that started to have negative impact with customers.”